20 September 2009

Indulge in Pure Gastronomical Decadence

Yesterday, I was at KLCC with my mom and sis, doing our usual weekend shopping rounds. And came across the Godiva outlet, and saw some tempting looking poster of their Chocolixir. Sun said it was really good, but have yet to try it myself. Got exited, then brushed it off, thinking of saving it for another time.

Then, after a few walks, we passed by again, and this time, mom and sis said, "oh c'mon, if you want it, just go get it." So the last defense was broken...

I slipped into the store, cheekily walked up to the waiter, carefully studied the Chocolixir menu, and my taste buds squealed, "Dark Chocolate Decadence"... - "with whipped cream topping?" - "yes(!)", with the grin of a little girl...

Waited giddily as he puts the ice and fine dark chocolates to blend, carefully preparing the chocolate sauce, lacing some inside the cup, laying down the serviette and straw on the counter, shaking up the whipped cream, and as the ice comes to a thorough blend, pours the exquisite mixture out, topping it with cream, and finishing it with drippy chocolate sauce, and laid the delightful chiller on the countertop, I paid the "fine sum", and there... my very first taste of heaven-in-a-cup - with little crunchy bites of chocolates!~... there goes my gastronomical morals...

Pure Sin...

Can you resist the temptation?
I know I can't...

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