20 September 2009

The Rule of the Thumb...

Yeah, so the thumb rules...

I mean the thumb drive. Gotta give it the credits - here's why.

About 7 years ago, when the thumb drive first became popular here, when 100MB of storage cost about RM300, I thought, "Darn, that was too expensive. I'll wait till the price gets lower." After all, electronics always devalue after awhile. Plus, I didn't need it. I was happy to settle with burning CDs and occasionally the diskette for smaller files (yes I was still using diskettes until computers begin to exclude floppy drives as an essential compartment).

Then, about a year later, the price dropped, to about RM200 for about 200MB of space. I thought, that's still too expensive. I'll wait till the price halves, and the storage doubles. But when the times comes, I thought, I still don't need it that badly and it's still expensive. I'll wait till the price goes below RM20, or till I really need it, then I'll buy.

Well, over the years, the price did dwindle, and the capacity multiplied many folds. The regular range in the market is between 2 to 16 Gig now, though the price have not reached below RM20, but I believe that it has come to a time when I really need it now, so I gave in and got myself a Kingston DT101C/4GB Data Traveller for RM32 after discount, my first thumbdrive after so many year. So finally, thumb won.

Now, when am I gonna get that portable harddisk and laptop?...

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